FRESH1 Vegan Plant Protein Chocolate Hazelnut 420g



A natural plant-based protein shake powder made from pumpkin seed, lentils, peas, and brown rice. Every scoop (30g) contains 21 grams of protein.


To make a tasty protein shake, mix 1 scoop of FRESH1 Vegan Protein with 180-250mL of cold water.

For a thicker and creamier texture, try using rice milk or almond milk instead.

Vegan Protein can also be added to oatmeal, smoothie, coffees, pancakes, or other baking mixes to boost protein content!

Ingredients: Fresh1 Plant Protein Blend (Pea Protein, Organic Brown Rice Protein, Lentein® Water Lentil Protein, Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein, Quinoa powder), Cocoa Powder, Natural Flavour, Stevia (Leaf) Extract, Salt, Monk Fruit Extract, Gum Blend (Cellulose and Xanthan), Ground Cinnamon.

  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • Sugar-free
  • Includes all 9 essential amino acids
  • No artificial ingredients

Vegan, Gluten Free, ANS Performance, Fresh1, Health and wellbeing, Protein

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